
Praying about the Priesthood
Is God calling me to be a priest? How can I know for sure? What’s the best way to make such an important decision? As you contemplate what to do with your life, be confident that God has a specific plan for you, and that you can discover it through prayer.
Authentic prayer goes beyond saying a couple of Our Father's and Hail Mary's in a church pew. Put simply, the deepest kind of prayer is a heartfelt conversation with Christ. In fact, prayer helps us to achieve union with God, which is the vocation of all Christians. No matter which vocation God has in mind for you, it is essential that you learn to pray well. While you can pray about your vocation anywhere, it is often helpful to pray before the Blessed Sacrament at your parish church.
Read inspiring Scripture passages
Prayerfully reading scripture can spark a great conversation between you and the Lord. Here are a few suggested passages to get started:
Matthew 19: 16-30 Jesus’ encounter with the rich young man
John 1:35-51 The calling of the first disciples
Luke 14:25-33 Following Christ no matter what the cost
Contemplate life changes
Everyone, no matter how holy, can always live more perfectly. Think about the things in your life which may be holding you back from making commitments to God. Start with the little things... but don’t be afraid to tackle the big ones!
Talk to God about your friends and family
If you make the decision to begin studying for the priesthood, your parents may not understand. Your friends may be skeptical. If so, ask God for guidance in these relationships.
Remember that Jesus himself had family and friends who didn’t always understand him; he can sympathize with what you are going through.
Confront your fears and ask for courage
For a healthy single man, considering a celibate life without the comforts of a wife and family is difficult, since our nature draws us toward family life. Many men are afraid seminary will be too challenging or that public speaking will prove too difficult. Speak to God about these concerns, then ask for courage and peace. If you confront your fears now, with God’s help, your discernment will be much less complicated.
Ask God to show you your strengths
If God is calling you to priesthood, he will have given you certain qualities that will make you a good priest. Spend some time examining your personal gifts, then imagine how you can use them to help others as a priest. You may discover you have a lot to contribute to the Church!
In the end, spending time with Jesus should be like a conversation with a good friend. Speak to Jesus from your heart and then listen. You’re not likely to hear anything with your ears. Instead, “hearing” results in an increase in understanding, acceptance, and willingness to follow God’s path for your life.
Prayer is the surest way to know what God wants you to do with your life – and to gain the grace and courage to do it!
Applying for Seminary
When a man reaches a certain point in his discernment, if he wants to discover if priesthood is his true vocation, he has to go to seminary. It should be stressed that entering seminary is a stage of discernment, not a decision to definitely become priest.
Many men find the application process to be a healthy exercise in self-knowledge and a helpful part of overall discernment. To take the first steps, please contact us!
Steps on the Journey:
1. Contact the Vocation Director.
Discernment always happens with the help of the Church. The diocese needs to get to know you better before offering you a seminary application.
2. The Application Process.
Applying to become a seminarian is a bit like applying to college, but with additional screening components such as background checks and medical and psychological screening.
3. Meeting with the Bishop.
After a personal interview and a careful review of your file, Bishop Dewane makes the final decision on whether an applicant is accepted. If accepted, the applicant is accepted as a seminarian and then sent to study at one of the various seminaries that the Diocese of Venice uses.
4. Seminary
Seminary can last from 4-8 years, depending on the level of education that the applicant has prior to joining as a seminarian. Along the way, the seminarian receives training in the "Four Pillars of Formation:" spiritual, human, academic, and pastoral aspects of his life as a future priest. Each year, he is evaluated by the priest faculty and professors at the seminary. After he successfully passes these evaluations, he is promoted to the next stage of priestly formation.
5. Receiving Ministries and Holy Orders
Throughout his seminary journey, the seminarian completes certain steps along the way, such as receiving candidacy, and the ministries of lector and acolyte. These occur in Major Seminary, when one is studying theology. Typically, after the seminarian has completed a year-long parish internship, called a "Pastoral Year," and begins his last year in Major Seminary, the seminarian will be ordained a Transitional Deacon. This is the last step prior to his ordination as a Priest!